Latest Trinity News…

It’s Spring and time to think about your gardens.  Trinity is hosting a plant sale on Saturday, May 18th from 10am to 1pm in the church parking lot.  We’ll be under canopies, so come rain or shine.  If you have plants that you will be donating to the sale, you may drop them off in the church basement on Friday between 10 and 4. 

           Plants tags should include the common name of the plant and sun requirements.  Full grown height is helpful for flowers and perennials. 

         We’ll also have a table for any small garden items such as tools, decorative pots, yard art, garden books, etc.   Items must be clean and in good condition.  Allergies? There will be some artistic flowers available, too. 

Disaster Preparedness will be demonstrating and giving an opportunity to make a clay pot heater for winter emergency heat, especially for our homeless population.  These will be donated to Cultivate Initiatives.

staging for the sale will begin on Friday 10:00am.

If you were not able to attend the pantry fundraiser, please consider making a gift to Zarephath Pantry.  Bring nonperishable food to donate and place in the basket by the altar, write on your offering envelope to designate part of your offering for Zarephath, use this QR code below, or call Pat Cutsforth to make arrangements to volunteer your time there.  Thank you for your generosity.

A good time was had by all who    attended the ZP Fundraiser. Enjoy some 

pictures from the event. 

Coming in May & June as part of the 125th Anniversary celebration, Trinity will create a cookbook with recipes submitted by YOU. Start thinking about recipes you would like to share.  More information to come.

Mark your calendar:

Mark your calendars:

May 17 : 10a-4p Plant Sale staging

Trinity Parking Lot

May 18 : TLC 125th Anniversary Plant Sale—in the Trinity Parking Lot

May 22: All church Check-in & Pot luck 6 pm in the social hall Bring a dish to share and its recipe to add to our Trinity 125 th Anniversary Cookbook. Include a story with your recipe to make it even more fun. See you there!

June 2: Remembering TAL luncheon after AM service

October 19:  Trinity’s 125th Anniversary Banquet Saturday, October 19 at 5 pm at Persimmon Country Club, 500 SE Butler Rd. in Gresham.

Trinity History  From Ellie Miller

Our first church, Swedish Evangelical Saron Congregation of Powell Valley, was located a couple miles east of Gresham. Services were only in Swedish until about 1909 when the first member was confirmed in English. The Gresham Outlook reported in 1916 that services were conducted in English every other Sunday Evening. Records from 1919 state that, “The language change was a bitter pill for the older generation to swallow.” Finally in 1927, the board urged the congregation to use only English, although occasional services were conducted in Swedish or German to honor the church’s heritage. About this time, plans were made to move the church to Gresham and the present sanctuary was erected in 1938, with a name change to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. We are thankful that we still have the old paraments you see today on the altar, pulpit and communion table. The pulpit cloth (pictured below) when translated says: “Blessed are those who hear God’s word

Another Trinity Memory

Ruth Phaneuf Porter remembers her days at Trinity fondly. She grew up at Trinity and was confirmed here in 1952.  She was taught by Dr. Carl Lund who was quite strict and if questions weren’t answered correctly they were sternly told to study more.  Confirmation classes were held in the old basement kitchen.  At the same time, Sunday school classes were held in curtained off areas in the basement, in front of the fireplace, on the stage, and in a room which is now a storage closet for AWE.  During her teen years she enjoyed Luther League which was very active at the time.

Ruth and her husband Ron were married at Trinity and their twin daughters were baptized by Pastor A. G. Anderson. Pastor Rudy Johnson’s birthday was on the same day as their girls and they celebrated together many times.

Ruth played piano for Sunday School and the Junior Choir.  Ron and Ruth led the Junior Luther League and took them on many trips in their camper van before the days of seatbelts.  On one of the trips they followed Pastor Jerry to his beach house near Long Beach, Washington while his car was overheating most of the way.  Many stops for water!  Also got lost following Pastor Mark Anderson to the World’s Fair in Spokane, Washington in 1974.

Ruth’s brothers-in-law Leonard and his brother Howard helped build the  additions to the building.  Her sister Edna Swanson taught Sunday School for the five-year olds for 25 years.

Ruth said that the music at Trinity is one of the things that makes it unique and she enjoys watching the livestream of Sunday Services. 

Ron and Ruth have been members for many years at Resurrection Lutheran where their daughter Kym Tangen is the administrator.

Another Trinity Memory: From Larry Kramer

I was invited to share my memories of Trinity with all of you today. So to begin with I was about 6 or 7 when my family first came to this church around 1964. We entered by walking up the concrete steps from Powell which was the main entry back then as some of you here today remember. Eastman Parkway did not exist yet. The pastor then was Rudy Johnson who I really liked. The organ was the main instrument, no piano. The wall behind the altar was a little further back and the altar was against the wall so the pastor had to have his back to us during communion.

After service everyone headed down stairs to the fellowship hall as the new fellowship hall addition was not built yet. As I got older I was an acolyte, also known as an altar boy, lighting the candles. There were two services back then: with a junior and senior choir. I was in the junior choir during my middle school years.

 As I went through my confirmation classes, my instructor was Pastor Zieske, as he was completing his Internship here.

When the major renovations occurred (creating the pie section) I was busy with my college studies. After all of the construction was done, it was amazing to see the transformation this church went through.

My wife & I were married here in 1985 by Pastor Jerry Furgurson who also baptized our daughter, Rachel, in 1987. Our second daughter,  Anna, was baptized by Pastor Michael Keys in 1992.

The community here meant a lot to my parents Adrian & June Kramer, and it continues to mean a lot to me. It is really special to get to celebrate Trinity’s 125th anniversary this year with all of you.

Regarding the conflict in the Holy Land